We are a family company, we have been operating on the market since 2005. We do business in the field of passenger transportation, transportation of goods up to 2.5 tons and import of used vehicles from the EU. As for passenger transport, we have a wide fleet with capacities from 4 to 93 seats, all at affordable prices. This segment also includes the rental of luxury wedding limousines. Our priority is seriousness and reliability.

You plan your trips and destinations
and we are happy to implement them.

From our offer

Ponuka služieb

Limuzíny, mikrobusy a autobusy

Všetci cestujúci v našich vozidlách sú pripoistený proti škode spôsobenej osobným cestným dopravcom
(prípady škody na batožine, osobných veciach, zdraví, alebo náklady vynaložené na okamžité potreby cestujúcich v prípade dopravnej nehody)


Objednajte si naše služby na čísle +421 918 045 555 alebo roben@roben.sk